What I'm Manifesting at 25
The fact I’m 25 is insane; where have the years gone, and how is it that I still look like I’m a sophomore in high school? Is it good genes, time machine— who knows. However, I will say these 20+ years have taught me a lot about myself, the way I operate, and who I strive to become.
A few things I've come to realize about myself is: I'm an extroverted introvert, I love enjoying life with my people, but my alone time cannot be jeopardized; I'm independent and stubborn, I will do what's best for me at the end of the day, which I believe is crucial in order to accomplish our own goals and desires; and I admire when people are authentically themselves and don't care about what others think of them.
As cliche as it is, life is short and people only care about themselves, so why not crush our own goals, and be ourself in the process rather than trying to fit in and lose sight of who we are and what we want. Yes, it's challenging to go against expectations of us but who gives a shit, our life, our rules.
Below are my current goals and aspirations I want to accomplish, which are split into different categories: spirituality and personal growth, relationships, career and finance, health & wellness, long-term goals, and travel & adventure.
Enjoy and hope you do the same for yourself!
Spirituality & Personal Growth
career & finance
HEALTH & fitness
Veggies | fruits | water
Life Goals & Material Things
own a camper and road trip the usa