2020 Intentions
-Plastic +
80/20 rule
visit peru, someplace new
pick up a new hobby
save more + earn more
read six new books, minimum
Girls Night Out
Speak kinder + self care
develop a Work flow
2020 intentions
Another 365 days later, the sun has rotated around the earth, and we not only enter a new year but a new decade. When entering this new venture, we get a feeling of hope and curiosity for what's to come and what will accomplish in the next 10-years of our life story. On the other spectrum, we look at this time as a reflection period and how we can do things more efficiently and what we want to improve about ourselves.
So, I took this as a time to think about what I want to do differently and proceed to advance in the steps I've already taken.
+ Use less plastic and opt for reusable items. A little over a year ago, I took a pledge to become a Big Blue Ocean ambassador, which is a non-profit organization striving to clean up our oceans around the world. I took this pledge because although I am just one person, that's all it takes to start making small changes and clean up the environment for others around us, especially those who get the repercussions of our carelessness with single-use plastic. And so, I will keep using glass Tupperware, opt for no single-use plastic at stores/restaurants, and by that, I will try to remember to use my bags when at the grocery store 90 percent of the time.
+ Last year, I set a goal to read a new book every month and, to be honest, I didn't even make a dent in that goal. However, I think that goal was a far-fetch stretch because I've never been more of a heavy reader, but if I can find a good book, then I'm all for it--like anyone else, I guess. Therefore, to hopefully accomplish this goal, I'm striving to read at least six new books.
+ The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a concept I'm trying to inherit more of this year. To me, this rule is defined best in a health and fitness form; for instance, 80 percent of results come from the kitchen, while 20 percent is made in the gym. And this is the area I'm working to be better on because I find myself not balancing my health and fitness the way I should and end up being a little too hard on myself at times.
+ Girls night out, one of my favorite activities, and something I've always worked on being a priority in my life. Recently, I have lacked in this department, and there's no excuse, so this year I'm going to make it a rule to have at least one girl outing per month.
+ Every year I make a rule to travel somewhere I've never been before, which is why Peru is the destination this year. In 2020 I'll be a very frequent flyer for numerous occasions, but Peru will be my big trip of the year.
+ Speak kinder and develop a better self-care routine is something I need to be better at this year. I want to speak kinder to others and myself because my tone can come across harsh and, like everyone else, I'm my own worse critic. Self-care, I'm going to incorporate more beauty care regimes this year. Protect the youthful look.
+ Learn a new hobby, last year it was paddle boarding and this year I want it to be either paddle surfing or surfing in general, or whatever it may be, but I want it to be something new
+ Save and earn more is a goal I'm aiming toward this year. I want to save double what I have in my bank account and ask for more money in as a result of my performance
+ Develop a workflow I'll stick with. I want to focus on my brand and build up my website to its full potential and will do that by pre-planning blog posts and video ideas and posting content bi-weekly at first, to weekly when I've reached the first goal