Finding Inspiration


As I continue with my days here in Buenos Aires, I find inspiration everywhere I go and look. It's all the little things, like, how not one building looks the same, there are bold colors and street art everywhere, and how the culture and pride raids through the city. 

There are so many different influences in just one area, which makes this city so unique. Art was made to have us feel something and use it an an outlet when we don't know how to express ourselves. Well, I feel inspired and intrigued to know more, not just about the city, but also about myself. When I see all of this art and culture it makes me want to write, take pictures, make something, or just do something creative in general.

Although I don't know how to express this feeling yet, I know it'll come soon when the timing is right. When we wish for greatness and positivity, we typically get it in one form or another. For this reason, I really do believe we make up our own destiny in a way. What we wish for, what we think about, and what we do daily basis all have this interconnection; but as we grow older and develop different theories, thoughts and perspectives we once had, it all begins to change. 

And, after the weekend I just had of street art sightings and culture, it's making me more inspired to seek out creativity and share it with others. I hope who whoever reads this and sees my pictures can get inspired or re-inspired to do something for themselves and find happiness in creativity.